Friday, January 4, 2013

Sometimes you feel like a [Health] nut...Most times I don't

In honor of a new year and the realization I'm a titch closer to 30, I'm taking my health a bit more serious. Just call me a HIT (Health-nut In Training). So in honor of this new attitude, I'll share some of my Health Resolutions for this year. Those loyal followers may notice seeing a couple of these guys on my overall list. I find that the more people that know my business, the more accountable it holds me. Here we goooooo...

L's Plan to Optimum Health in 2K13:

  • Stop drinking like a fish. You aren't 21 anymore. For that matter, you aren't 25. When you binge drink, you typically stuff your face when you get home resulting in a 3 pound weigh gain the next morning. You also have the WORST hangovers. Remember the day after Halloween? The day you didn't get out of bed until 4pm?  Or more recently, the NYE fiasco of 2013. When you and your bf decided to get a Domino's pizza and cover it in ranch and queso before ingesting? We shall not be speaking of this EVER again. Then the next day your hangover started roughly around 1:30pm becuase you were still drunk off tequila and champagne jello shots when you woke up. You need to slow your roll in 2K13. Your liver/digestive system/head/entire body will thank you.

  • Complete a cleanse. So after spending substantial time researching cleanses (Should I do a pill? Or should I go with a juice only? Or maybe strictly soup? How about a pre-bought one - you know, it's like $300 for 7 days...wth this is hard) I finally found one I think I might be able to handle. It's Dr. Oz's 2 day cleanse. I know what you might be thinking...who really trusts a man who wears scrubs during daytime television 5 days a week (unless it's Stefano on General Hospital - ok I made that up, I have no clue who's on GH because I'm not a desperate housewife...yet). But I read it, and it looks legit. And totally doable. And only an entire page of items to get at the farmers market. Ugh. The wonderful [of] Oz claims he had a spiritual awakening after completing it. So we'll see. The best part, Oprah endorses it...SO YOU KNOW IT'S GOOD. Check it

  • Sign up for a 5k every quarter. I'm already off to a rocky start with this one. I was DYING to run the Hot Chocolate 5K in January, but apparently so did every chocolate junkie in Metro ATL. The 5K sold out in a matter of days. So instead, I'm planning on running the Junior League's Shamrock-n-Roll in March. That's where my planning has stopped. So if any ATL runners have some suggestions, holla at me. And yes, I know about the Peachtree Road Race. And yes, I'd love to. But no, I'm not from Kenya or a member of the running club so it's highly unlikely I'll get a spot. Fingers crossed The Color Run or the Firefly 5K comes back this year. Those seem like a real [running] treat. 

  • Dance and Hot Yoga at least once a week - each. As many of you know, I've taken up a different kind of dancing. One that combines some of my favorite things: ass-shaking, ballet, rap music, and shiny objects. Okay, one shiny object. A pole, to be precise. I pole dance (here) and I'm proud. If anyone wants to give it a try, the ballet-inspired class on Tuesday evenings is the jam. In fact, the instructor called me her muse and is developing a whole series inspired by moi. Tres chic. I also have one tiny obsession with Hot Yoga. So if anyone else wants to sweat for 75-90 minutes in a 105 degree room, let me know. This place is the best. It gets a little crowded so you may or may not be sweating on your neighbors Lululemon mat. But hey, it's slip resistant so it's not that big of a deal. 

So there we have it. My healthy inspired list for the year. I guess I'm also going to watch what I eat, take vitamins regularly, and continue to not smoke cigarettes (only in the house - not really - inside joke - ask my Tampa girls about it if you're really that interested). Cheers to a happy, healthy, new year y'all. BTW - I was toasting you with my super XL bottle of SmartWater.


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