Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Running in Wonderland

Ever since I was little, my very favorite Disney movie was Alice in Wonderland. I was blonde, loved talking in an English accent, and identified with Alice's curiosity with getting lost in a different world. She was always looking for adventure, and that damned white rabbit. Plus, she was kind of a betch. I could totes relate.

Back in July, I suffered from major FOMO (fear of missing out) and decided to spontaneously register. Fear immediately gripped my stomach and I regretted it. For this non runner, I kept repeating the phrase "what have I done?". Side note: The Princess Half Marathon typically sells out in under 12 hours, and is non-refundable. You can defer for a year but you can never turn back...down the rabbit hole I fell.

13.1 Miles seemed impossible. But what did I learn from the doorknob? "Nothing's impossible." Cross-training. Running. Resting. Repeat. Ran the 10k with my bf and got an okay qualifying time which translated into being put into a pretty decent corral.  People wouldn't be sprinting out of the gate, but wouldn't be walking either. Unfortunately, my schedule fell apart and I was lucky to run 10 miles total for the week (thank you Georgia winters). I may not have been as prepared as some, but what I lacked in preparation I made up for with sheer excitement.

Naturally, I just KNEW I had to rep a character from Wonderland. Cheshire Cat was a solid choice, and in preparation, I put these bad boys on my Christmas list (thanks Momma Bear and Black Milk Clothing). However, Alice is my soul sista. If I'm running 13.1 miles at the Happiest Place on Earth, you better believe I'm doing it dressed as Alice. Huge shoutout to my talented friend Loren at Gameday Bows for my finishing touch, the white made the outfit.

Fast forward to Sunday, February 22nd. Alarm was set for 2am. Around midnight I was still tossing and turning, half excited and half completely terrified. I decided to mentally run all 13.1 miles to put myself to sleep. I visualized crossing each mile marker and gave myself verbal cues. I was soon fast asleep. Everyone says distance running is more mental than physical. And after this race, I believe it. My brain remembered the visualization from the night before, I smiled the entire race, every time there were people on the side, I instinctively ran on that side so I could get high fives and read the encouraging signs. My body could have given out at mile 2 from all the walking the days leading up to it, but my mind...nope she was dead set on finishing. Look how excited I was to be at Mile 11!

Someone else told me the last .1 mile is a killer. You know you're close...but dang, you've just run 13 miles. It was around this time an Epcot worker called out "Hey just missed the White Rabbit...he's about a tenth of a mile ahead, what are you waiting for!" Thank you sir, just what I needed to finish. And finish I did. I think I cried when I crossed and then immediately went to get my pixie dust in my hair and my knees wrapped in ice.

As crazy as it sounds, I think I could do it again. Not anytime in the near future, but yeah, I could definitely do it again. A wise woman once said (spoiler alert, it's Alice), "sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Never was that more true than on the morning of my first half marathon. Crossing this off my list.

Until next time,

Sunday, February 15, 2015

7 in 14: Get it Together

I did the math. And I'm not impressed. Seven blog posts in 2014. Seven. Siete. Sette. Sieben. Sept. What this really translates to is me needing to get back into gear with Number 35.

Enough with the self-hate, 2015 is about getting things done. And before I blast into this year and check off all my list has left, let me now update the world on things I have done the last two-ish months.

Spontaneity took hold of us, and I was lucky enough to accompany my life partner to San Francisco, my first time to The Golden State. After a heated debate, it turns out you cannot in fact go to the "top" of the Golden Gate Bridge. He was right. I'll give you that one. We did, however, walk the entire length of the GGB during our quick trip to Cali. All 3.4 miles of it. It was foggy and dreary and chilly but it was undeniably awe-inspiring.

I think my favorite part of our quick trip was the food. In-n-Out Burger was incredible. We ate at this little place, Blackwood, in Marina and feasted on "Millionaire's Bacon". I'm still having dreams about this sweet and spicy bacon. We also had the most amazing Italian donuts and sticky buns from the Ferry Terminal. I would love to eat my way around that city again.

Speaking of eating, this holiday season consisted eating our way through the South and beyond. Dubbed, our "Tour de Florida", we successfully visited 9 cities in Florida which included seeing our uber preggers friend with suicidal Yorkies (she gave birth the day after our visit - yay Charlie!), play time with the happiest one year old on this planet, a trip to Universal Studios with 2 hour Harry Potter waits, New Years Eve with the Italian Mafia and the worst DJ's in the world, and the best Italian food of my entire life.

During our "Tour de Florida", we took a vacation from our vacation and set sail for 4 days to Key West and Nassau. The highlights of the cruise included eating pizza every day, frozen bevs from Fat Tuesdays and Senor Frogs, having random people point out our lack of engagement/wedding rings every single day, and the ultimate present: Number 81, swimming with dolphins.

I know what you're doing right now. You're rolling your eyes. Seriously? You swam with dolphins? Are you five years old? Basically. This was the coolest experience of my whole life and I don't care who knows it.

I don't know if this next thing was on my list, but it should have been. I joined the 100 Club at Pure Barre Druid Hills. 100 classes may not seem like a lot to some people, and others are like "ummm I can barely get through a class", but I'm extremely proud of this milestone. My BFFE was there to help me celebrate, and of course she brought some bubbly. If you're feeling brave, meet me at the Barre. I'll be the one in the fancy 100 Club sticky socks.

I'll have a good deal more to blog about next week, after I tackle my first half marathon. Wish me luck.

Until next time,