Monday, July 21, 2014

Got $15 dollars? Got 15 minutes? Good.

Today, like most days, I received a Michael's coupon in my inbox. The glorious 40% off coupon was burning a hole in my pocket so I decided to head over to the craft store at lunch.

I've been wanting to make a wreath for my fancy new front door (okay, it's a normal front door but I have very high hopes to make it fancy one day) since moving in a little more than a month ago. The boyfriend is out of town and *cringe* my tv/internet isn't working again. What's with that AT&T? So I popped in Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkiban. Yes, I'm on number 3 of the series. Cruising right through them...thankfully.

My tangent is over, I promise. So I decided to give myself a limit of $15 at Michaels and see what I come up with. Thanks to my 40% off coupon, my total was $14.16 and I purchased:

  • A large wreath - $11.99 with 40% off - $7.20
  • 2 maroon flowers (also 40% off) - $1.97/each
  • 1 gold flower (40% off) - $1.97/each
I dug in my craft box to find a leftover roll of burlap and my trusty hot glue gun. Can I get 15 minutes on the clock, please.

Step 1 - Cut the burlap in half. Hot glue one end to the wreath and begin to wrap on a diagonal. Make sure to wrap tightly. Make sure to use your hot glue sporadically to secure the burlap to the wreath.

Step 2: Once you've wrapped all the way around, enjoy. Don't worry about it being perfect. You can cover it right up with your flowers. 

Step 3: Pop off the flowers from the stem. Hot glue wherever you like them. Since they will still have a little knub on the bottom, feel free to push it into the foam. You're not going to hurt anything. Promise. 

Step 4: Hang on the front door and enjoy. 

Stop the clock...this project was completed within 15 minutes. And the front door looks FABULOUS. What else can you do with $15 in 15 minutes that looks this awesome?

Until next time,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A little update. A lot done.

You'd think I'd be updating this thing every day. How busy can someone who works for their sorority possibly be busy over summer? Ha. Quite busy, actually. Convention, scholarships, fiscal year end - oh my!

But what about after know in your free time? Junior League obligations basically stand still while school's out. Well ladies and gents, I completely bypassed the "savings" stage of number 57 and the life-partner and I committed to purchasing a new home together. Some say it's better than an engagement ring...

This little 4/3 gem of a house in Grant Park completely consumes our spare time. But for being in here for exactly one month, I'd say it's coming together quite nicely.

Some other things that have happened in the past month or two since last posting....I was convinced to do the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February. I think I was still on a running high from my 2 mile jog earlier in the morning, and distracted by googling fun Disney Princess running outfits. So the girl who has yet to finish a 5k without stopping has agreed to do 13.1 miles in 200 days. Kill me now. Just new motto:

Even more fun things in store involving Harry Potter. Last night in the midst of overcast skies (and no rain) my AT&T U-Verse was acting up *gasp, please don't do this again AT&T as I've had nothing but glowing reviews since getting you* so with no internet, AppleTV access, or reality TV, I decided to pop in HP & the Sorcerer's Stone. I decided to space out all the movies instead of wasting 19.6 straight hours on a full on Harry Potter marathon. Honestly, I don't think I could handle that. Should have done the Twilight movie series...I personally don't mind watching Taylor Lautner prance around half naked. DRadcliffe just ain't doing it for me. One down, seven more to go. (My reaction to that statement is quite similar to Harry in the Invisibility Cloak). 

I've also started to tackle my "old movie" challenge. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Seriously, The Philadelphia Story was hilarious. Granted, they're a little too okay with DV, which is never okay. A Streetcar Named Desire was wonderful because Marlon Brando was built like a Greek god, but super hard to sit through. If you don't know why, watch it. Back to a lighter movie....I'd like to recommend Some Like It Hot. Crossdressing has never looked so good. Plus you get a boozey blonde who steals the show, Marilyn <3.

I promise not to take such a long hiatus between posts. My time is running out on my 1001 days and I still have a lot to do. 

Until next time,