Monday, July 21, 2014

Got $15 dollars? Got 15 minutes? Good.

Today, like most days, I received a Michael's coupon in my inbox. The glorious 40% off coupon was burning a hole in my pocket so I decided to head over to the craft store at lunch.

I've been wanting to make a wreath for my fancy new front door (okay, it's a normal front door but I have very high hopes to make it fancy one day) since moving in a little more than a month ago. The boyfriend is out of town and *cringe* my tv/internet isn't working again. What's with that AT&T? So I popped in Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkiban. Yes, I'm on number 3 of the series. Cruising right through them...thankfully.

My tangent is over, I promise. So I decided to give myself a limit of $15 at Michaels and see what I come up with. Thanks to my 40% off coupon, my total was $14.16 and I purchased:

  • A large wreath - $11.99 with 40% off - $7.20
  • 2 maroon flowers (also 40% off) - $1.97/each
  • 1 gold flower (40% off) - $1.97/each
I dug in my craft box to find a leftover roll of burlap and my trusty hot glue gun. Can I get 15 minutes on the clock, please.

Step 1 - Cut the burlap in half. Hot glue one end to the wreath and begin to wrap on a diagonal. Make sure to wrap tightly. Make sure to use your hot glue sporadically to secure the burlap to the wreath.

Step 2: Once you've wrapped all the way around, enjoy. Don't worry about it being perfect. You can cover it right up with your flowers. 

Step 3: Pop off the flowers from the stem. Hot glue wherever you like them. Since they will still have a little knub on the bottom, feel free to push it into the foam. You're not going to hurt anything. Promise. 

Step 4: Hang on the front door and enjoy. 

Stop the clock...this project was completed within 15 minutes. And the front door looks FABULOUS. What else can you do with $15 in 15 minutes that looks this awesome?

Until next time,

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