Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It's Been a Long Time, I Shouldn't Have Left You

I swore to myself that I would be really, really awesome at keeping up with this whole blogging thing. I'd like to turn to the evidence - Number 35 ("Start a blog and actually keep up with it").  And then life got in the way. So let me just catch you up on things I've been doing since my last post in July.

To start, the bf and I celebrated two wonderful years together. He thoughtfully planned a stay-cation which included dinner at an authentic Italian restaurant, winery tours, and Number 43, horseback riding in the mountains. His horse continued to take him into the trees, which was quite amusing. And me, I could have stayed on mine for another hour or two.

Next, we made a trip down to sunny Florida for my 10 year high school reunion. Number 91: complete. I attended my high school reunion without completely hating it. Cons: The parade was ungodly hot and we were the last float (yes, I said float....perks to being raised in a small town. The city literally shuts down for the homecoming parade). Pros: I got to hang with my high school besties, catch up with people I haven't seen (except on facebook) in 10 years, and I even got to dip outta there early so I could attend another friend's wedding an hour away. And Freddie got to go to the beach for the first time. Seeing a tiny eight pound Papillon chase the waves is the equivalent of baby's just precious.

Then came Number 74, host a themed party, or as I like to call it "Fall-o-Ween". Somehow twenty of my closest friends decided to come over on a Monday night, carve pumpkins, eat spooky treats, and get back home by 10:30pm. Wasn't the rager I was hoping for *sarcasm inserted* but it was a wonderful time. Please take time to "oooooooh" and "ahhhhhh" over my decorations, food, and the Jack Skellington pumpkin carved by my perfectionist of a life partner. Did I mention, Halloween is my favorite holiday? Just in case that wasn't evident.

If you'd like your mouth to water, this is what I served: Mummy (hot) Dogs, Pumpkin Poop (cheeze balls), Pumpkin Puke (the pumpkin looked like it was throwing up guac), Skin & Bones (hummus and veggies), Monster Mouth Bites (granny smith apples with cashew butter and marshmallows as teeth), and Boo-Za (french bread ghost pizza). It may be 10am, but now I'm hungry.

To wrap things up, we booked a cruise in December, which should take care of #53 and #81...because I plan on swimming with Flipper. Promise not to keep you in suspense for another 4 months.

Until Next Time,

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