Thursday, December 27, 2012

Broken Hearts and New Beginnings

Disclaimer: This post is going to be as cheesy as a giant bowl of queso... (mmmmmm my fav) SO DEAL WITH IT. I'm checking off two things on my list. And I feel like they tie in together, somewhat. Before I disclose which two, I'd like to start with one of my fav quotes from the one and only Derek Blasberg. His book, "Classy" really helped me become who I am - and you should buy it. Okay, not really...I've been classy since birth, but it was a very entertaining and easy read. So this is the abridged version of the quote since I left the book at home (will update with actual quote later)....It goes something like this: You never know what true love is until your heart has been broken and the pieces are picked up off the ground and put back together.

With that being said, the first thing I checked off my list was "Write a letter for every broken heart and burn them". Back in my younger days, I was a bit of a heartbreaker. My high school boyfriend can tell you - I essentially ruined his life. Well, at very least his college experience. Deciding a month before he left for college to go to FSU instead of the University of New Hampshire. Then 2 weeks before he began his career as a Nole (barf), he decided to go to Stetson in DeLand (where we're from) because the 4 hours to Tallahassee was just too much. I dumped him 3 months later - mainly because of his jealousy issues. He thought I was having an affair with my male best friend - WHO IS GAY. He proceeded to spend a year studying abroad in Mexico - obviously trying to get over me with chimichanga's and tequila. Adios pantalones locos.

It wasn't until college that I had my little heart ripped out and stomped on. Over and over again. For three and a half LONG years. Until one day it stopped. He cheated on me. And this upcoming Saturday, he'll be marrying her. I wish them all the best. All the mean things I said about them don't count anyways because I burned the letter. Phew, karma can't get me on that one.

This leads me to my second item to check off...Fall in Love. It happened. And it's better than I ever remembered...I seriously feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. My boyfriend is caring, sweet, super smart, has an amazing job, has a HUGE heart, is so kind, generous, thoughtful, ambitious, funny, oh...and did I mention he's hot? Let's just take a moment to look at the gorgeous flowers he sent me yesterday. The card reads "I hope this makes being back at work a little more enjoyable. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!". Swoon. I could go on and on and on about how great my man is. And how every person he meets LOVES him. And my parents and sister LOVE him. But I'll just go ahead and save you the nausea. Nothing is more vomit-worthy than a girl in love.

One final thing though...Baby - I know you're reading this, so here's a little song that tells you how I feel about you. Take it away, Ray. Okay I'm done being all sappy and pathetic.


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