Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What did I get myself into?

As I'm looking over my list, I must say...I'm way in over my head. At the same time, I'm also like "Dang - you've done SO much for only starting this thing on November 1st". Give myself a quick pat on the back, then return to staring at the lengthy and complicated things that await me.

As winter presses on here in the A (current temp: 68 degrees, partly cloudy, no chances of snow in the immediate future) I cringe at the snow items on my list. Why oh why can't it snow around me? Seriously...I'm cursed. The last 2 Atlanta winters have been extremely mild with NO SNOW. The last time it seriously snowed, "Snowmageddon" as Atlantans affectionately refer to it, I visited that weekend and was one of the last flights out before God opened the skies and literally took a snow shitstorm on the city. Graphic, I know. So it looks like building a snowman and catching snowflakes on my tongue are out for now. 

I attempted to do the 30x30. But as you can see, I value my weekends...There's always next month.

 I did have some down time last night, in between my Jillian Michaels Kettlebell workout video and eating pizza, so I made this little gem. How cute, right? Who needs Etsy when you have an imagination, hot glue gun,  and tons of wine.

So the next thing I was contemplating checking off the ol' list was number nine: create a photo album to represent every word in the alphabet (A - take a picture of an Apple, B - a picture of a baby, and so on). Too boring. Then I decided to take an actual picture of a letter, as seen here. Too hard. So I compromised. Keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming post which includes my absolute favorite things, as told through the alphabet. Spoiler alert: C is for Champagne. M is for Mean Girls. V is for Vampires. I guess you'll just have to wait for the other letters and corresponding items.

Moving right along...with my list...anyone have a Magic Eight Ball I can use?


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