Friday, November 16, 2012

Forgiveness is more than saying sorry

So yesterday was the first of many "15th day of the month = Random Act of Kindness day" for me. And I racked my brain for days thinking of something kind to do today. There's an older homeless man who is always sitting in the Chick-fil-A of my office building, sipping on a small coffee and constantly scouring scraps of newspaper looking for work. I was hoping I'd find him sitting there this morning so I could buy him breakfast - no such luck. Another thought, pay for the person's meal in line behind me at lunch - turns out the gym was more appealing than eating out (yes, finally!!!). Ugh, this was much harder than I expected. Sure complimenting people, or letting someone cut in front of you during rush hour and not getting pissed is relatively simple, but I'm looking for more substantial here.

What to do...what to do.

Then it hit me. Two and a half years ago I had an incident with someone very close to me. We haven't spoke since this happened. Hearing this persons voice or seeing pictures on Facebook makes my blood boil and stomach turn. I decided to put the past in the past and sent this person an email wishing them well. And I also silently forgave this person for acting like an INSANE person. It turns out forgiveness is more than saying requires some courage and humility.

Right, Samantha?

By the way, if you don't know who this is....please watch Just Friends immediately, and get back to me. You will thank me for introducing you to 1. A fat, lispy Ryan Reynolds and 2. The most catchy/inspirational song you've ever heard - about forgiveness. It's quite fitting for today. You're welcome in advance.

The best part was waking up this morning (NOT looking like PDiddy - or Ke$ha for that matter) and seeing a very nice response from the person. It wasn't what I expected...but that's the thing about "kindness". People will surprise you with it.

Happy Friday, everyone!


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