It occurred to me that I wasn't quite sure when my 1001 days were up. Thanks to the magic and wonder of the internet, I was able to find a day counter where you can add and subtract days from a specific date. I found out when the end is.
July 31st, 2015.
465 days away.
1 year, 3 months, and 11 days from now.
It's a bit overwhelming. Now that I know the date, I'm putting my butt in high gear and finishing some stuff.
So my plan for the rest of the -

Begin some of my lists. Purchase Rosetta Stone. Get my closet up and running on Poshmark (it's not Ebay or Etsy, but it'll do). Start "training" for my 5k, again - third times a charm, right? Plan out my Harry Potter Movie Marathon - any takers...? Start plotting my themed dinner party. I'm thinking something during my birthday month. And most likely there will be a "dress up" component. And phew, now I'm exhausted.
*Note, if you're interested in wasting a weekend or an entire month, here is a list of the
Top 10 "Painfully Long" movie marathons with how much time each of them take. 19.6 hours for me and Harry. With no breaks. Crap.
I will do HP with you! And make themed snacks. Always need themed snacks.