Next, we made a trip down to sunny Florida for my 10 year high school reunion. Number 91: complete. I attended my high school reunion without completely hating it. Cons: The parade was ungodly hot and we were the last float (yes, I said float....perks to being raised in a small town. The city literally shuts down for the homecoming parade). Pros: I got to hang with my high school besties, catch up with people I haven't seen (except on facebook) in 10 years, and I even got to dip outta there early so I could attend another friend's wedding an hour away. And Freddie got to go to the beach for the first time. Seeing a tiny eight pound Papillon chase the waves is the equivalent of baby giggles....it's just precious.
Then came Number 74, host a themed party, or as I like to call it "Fall-o-Ween". Somehow twenty of my closest friends decided to come over on a Monday night, carve pumpkins, eat spooky treats, and get back home by 10:30pm. Wasn't the rager I was hoping for *sarcasm inserted* but it was a wonderful time. Please take time to "oooooooh" and "ahhhhhh" over my decorations, food, and the Jack Skellington pumpkin carved by my perfectionist of a life partner. Did I mention, Halloween is my favorite holiday? Just in case that wasn't evident.
If you'd like your mouth to water, this is what I served: Mummy (hot) Dogs, Pumpkin Poop (cheeze balls), Pumpkin Puke (the pumpkin looked like it was throwing up guac), Skin & Bones (hummus and veggies), Monster Mouth Bites (granny smith apples with cashew butter and marshmallows as teeth), and Boo-Za (french bread ghost pizza). It may be 10am, but now I'm hungry.
To wrap things up, we booked a cruise in December, which should take care of #53 and #81...because I plan on swimming with Flipper. Promise not to keep you in suspense for another 4 months.
Until Next Time,