You can certainly tell that Spring is in the air. More people hogging the treadmills trying to get bikini ready. Easter bunnies - chocolate and real, furry ones sold in mass quantities (Eeeeeek I want one!). And pollen coating your car the second it sees daylight.

In honor of the cold weather
finally going buh-bye for the next 6 months, I too say fairwell to my trusty boot collection. Thank you Pinterest for allowing me to find a way to keep my boots looking fresh, and not folded over, when I pull them out at the first signs of fall. With the assistance of a reliable and sharp pair of scissors, cut some pool noodles and insert ever-so-delicately in your boot. Wam! You're done. This will keep them nice and erect all year long. I'll add this to my list of Pinterest-Inspired Projects!
One of my favorite things to do when it's nice out is go to the zoo. Don't ask me why. I just like it. This past Saturday I babysat my sweet little godson, with the help of one very helpful boyfriend. Despite the quarter century age gap, they have a lot of similarities. The most endearing trait, other than thinking that I'm the most amazing thing since sliced bread...they both get ice cream wasted. Which is precisely what happened at the zoo. Check out my little Cookies-n-Cream Baby Bug. What a little lush.
Another Spring Time activity that I wouldn't say I
love to do, but will happily do sporadically is attend a Braves game. Lucky me, I went to 2 during Opening Week. A bit too much for my liking, but what are you supposed to do if all your friends are doing it? You do it too. Unless they're getting face tattoos. Or going to an Anne Hathaway movie. Then you can count me out.
So I went to Opening Day on April 1st. No joke here...the Braves really impressed me. Plus I got a new hair bow in my Easter basket that I just
had to show off (left). My Easter Honey-Bunny really knows the way to my heart. Oh and here we are again (right)...just 6 days later when the Braves sent the poor little Cubbies scrambling home in search of Mama Bear. It was a truly sad performance for Chicago. Sorry boutcha.
Notice that pink tint on my shoulders? At first glance you may say, "Hey, she ran The Color Run the day before, I bet she couldn't scrub all the color off". Yes my friends, that's what I want you to think. In reality...my skin is the color of snow and standing in the sun to tailgate for an hour gave me the grossest tan lines ever. I need the beach, or at very least a pool day...
Speaking of The Color Run...aka The Happiest 5K on Earth...it was on Saturday and in fact, a very fun run. I made a tutu (which some lady offered me $10 to take off and give to her during the race. I said "Show me the money, lady"). The race isn't timed, and wasn't actually a full 5K (it was only 2.7 miles), and there were probably between 25-50k people, and it was an hour outside the city....so the more I think about it, the less I actually liked it. Whatever, still checking that sucker off my list.
My very nice and generous boyfriend ran ahead to finish before me, then when he finally saw me dumped an entire packet of blue color on my head because I wasn't colorful enough. Such a sweet guy, I'm so lucky....blue is my favorite color :)
The next thing I get to cross off my list is Number 33 - Ride A Bike. After getting off work yesterday, the bf and I decided to take a leisurely bike ride. He rides his bike all the time. I however, haven't been on an actual bike (I like to stick to the stationary ones) since I was roughly 10 and in a very bad bicycle accident. Time to get back in the saddle...Literally. So I hopped on his brothers bike and we went out for our ride. 7 miles later we got back home. I was tired. My butt hurt. My wrists hurt (mainly from squeezing the brakes every time I got over 8mph). I was hungry. But hey, he cooked me dinner and documented the ride, so I can't complain too much. Couldn't ask for anything more.
Until next time,
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